This story can be anywhere anytime. There was a big old tree standing alone on the top of a small hill, just like that. Elsewhere there was a donkey standing alone, just like that. All of a sudden a lightning struck and reduced the tree to ashes, just like that. The donkey got enlightened just like that.
Now continue this story, just like that…
Nobody completed the story - just like that??
The donkey, just like that, decided to translate this play called "The Communist Manifesto" into donkey tongue, and arranged for the publication of tons of them. Soon, all the donkeys, drunk in the idea of the impossible freedom, make Union Offices, just like that. The oldest donkey was unanimously elected one donkey who would represent their plea to Erstwhile God, just like that. Granpa Donkey sets off to the Himalayas to find Parabhrahma, just like that.
Please complete the story, just like that.
The donkey began preaching and soon had several disciples just like that. Soon there came to be a donkey religion just like that!
Standing alone doing nothing, just like that, increases the probability of being hit by a lightning. So, keep moving and achieve something on the go, just like that.
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