Sunday, June 28, 2009

Love and truth

True love is like the sunshine and the water flowing from the river. The Sun does not discriminate to whom he gives his light. The river gives its water to a good person as well as an evil person. Some idiots wash their behinds in the very river that they drink from. The river is all forgiving and gives water to them also. The river continues flowing from the spring to the ocean continuously. It can not stop. I am a dry well. There is no love in me to give. I can not give what I do not have. Pretending to love by putting up a fake smile is hypocrisy. It is all a game of the mind and is of no avail. True love has to come from the bottom of the heart. It is the job of the Guru to break the rock and start the spring of love. The well can not dig itself.

Love is the most powerful weapon. Those who have it know its complete qualities. Those who do not have it can only see the effects when the weapon strikes. Truth is different. Though love is truth, truth is not love. It is possible for everybody to be truthful. It is a choice that they can make. But love is a gift to possess not a choice to make. When a person is truthful, he is like a perfect mirror. Who ever looks into the mirror will immediately see his own reflection. A negative person will see his flaws and hate the mirror for no fault of the mirror. If the mirror can also give love unconditionally then the person will admit his imperfections and take steps to improve himself. But if the mirror is a dry ordinary one, the person will hate it and even destroy it. So one has to be careful while choosing whom to give the mirror.

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