Monday, February 2, 2009

Osho’s recount of the night he attained enlightenment

After Buddha’s enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, Osho was probably the next person who had documented his enlightenment experience under a special tree. He was a young man of 28 yrs at that time and was practicing serious meditation. There are his own words recorded in some of his speeches.
“The moment I entered the garden everything became luminous, it was all over the place – the benediction, the blessedness. I could see the trees for the first time – their green, their life, their very sap running. The whole garden was asleep, the trees were asleep. But I could see the whole garden alive, even the small grass leaves were so beautiful.
I looked around. One tree was tremendously luminous – the maulshree tree. It attracted me, it pulled me towards itself. I had not chosen it, God Himself has chosen it. I went to the tree, I sat under the tree. As I sat there things started settling. The whole universe became a benediction.”

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