Once upon a time long long ago people lived simple lives centered around agriculture. A few traders traveled around and there were a few more supporting trades. Sages lived isolated lives in ashrams and gained knowledge by their direct personal experiences. Young princes went to study with them. After learning preliminary techniques of concentrating their minds, they were initiated into different mantras. Only after rigorous practice and hard work they were able to master them and then convert simple arrows (Shastras) into mighty missiles (Astras). One such warrior who could face 10,000 soldiers on foot was called a Rathi and was given a chariot. They were ranked on how many missiles they could launch; how many soldiers they could fight and all this was common knowledge.
The Brahmins on the other hand dedicated themselves to the development of the religious and spiritual sides. They too indulged in rigorous penance and mastered mantras not for military purposes but to serve the society. There were a few people here and there who had possessed occult powers called Siddhis and all these had come by after lots of hard work and disciplined dedication. Some could move around in time and space, communicate with people in distant locations, heal people, change climate, bring rains, grant boons, demonstrate alchemy, teach by intuition, create and destroy life and such. But most of them went on experimenting with themselves, learning from their experience and reached a state of perfection. Hence these selfless people commanded tremendous respect and the common man had accepted them to be evolved beings and could count on them for the development of the entire mankind.
Now enter the modern man of 2009. If he were to go into that society and tell the commoners that a time would come when any idiot can talk to any idiot using a small equipment called a cell phone, any lazy bum can sit on his ass and see all the events that happens in all the corners of the world using a box called T.V, what would be their reaction? The converse problem limits today’s commoners from understanding them. Their society is built around the values of hard work and personal excellence that makes the worthy better than the commoner. Here a commoner possesses unruly power due to the advent of technology and all our society is built around the value of money. All these scientific developments of our current science are built around understanding one particular type of energy waves called Electromagnetic radiation. Sages tell us that there are 33 crores of such waves or vibrations and mankind has understood only a few of them. Now if the sages of the past had understood even a few more of these vibrations, their societies would have been much more advanced and built very differently. All that knowledge was forgotten and today we can just sit and imagine the extent of their progress or sit and brag that we are a far more advanced civilization with our blindfold of ignorance. To know the truth we have to change our perspective and may be then we can rediscover all the forgotten knowledge.
The Brahmins on the other hand dedicated themselves to the development of the religious and spiritual sides. They too indulged in rigorous penance and mastered mantras not for military purposes but to serve the society. There were a few people here and there who had possessed occult powers called Siddhis and all these had come by after lots of hard work and disciplined dedication. Some could move around in time and space, communicate with people in distant locations, heal people, change climate, bring rains, grant boons, demonstrate alchemy, teach by intuition, create and destroy life and such. But most of them went on experimenting with themselves, learning from their experience and reached a state of perfection. Hence these selfless people commanded tremendous respect and the common man had accepted them to be evolved beings and could count on them for the development of the entire mankind.
Now enter the modern man of 2009. If he were to go into that society and tell the commoners that a time would come when any idiot can talk to any idiot using a small equipment called a cell phone, any lazy bum can sit on his ass and see all the events that happens in all the corners of the world using a box called T.V, what would be their reaction? The converse problem limits today’s commoners from understanding them. Their society is built around the values of hard work and personal excellence that makes the worthy better than the commoner. Here a commoner possesses unruly power due to the advent of technology and all our society is built around the value of money. All these scientific developments of our current science are built around understanding one particular type of energy waves called Electromagnetic radiation. Sages tell us that there are 33 crores of such waves or vibrations and mankind has understood only a few of them. Now if the sages of the past had understood even a few more of these vibrations, their societies would have been much more advanced and built very differently. All that knowledge was forgotten and today we can just sit and imagine the extent of their progress or sit and brag that we are a far more advanced civilization with our blindfold of ignorance. To know the truth we have to change our perspective and may be then we can rediscover all the forgotten knowledge.